She's officially 5 and starting Kindergarden. He's a lover and a fighter.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

a few things to update...

since last night, the redness under the eye is gone. just 3 scratches, no black eye.

Oh, I also failed to mention that 3 weeks ago, Riley had Thrush. Now she has the croupe. I guess she's gonna be sick all the time like her mom. (Jodie and I realized two things in the last week. 1... I've never been hospitalized since I was a child, while Jodie has been in the hospital at least 3 or 4 times since we've been married. and 2... We've almost been together HALF OF OUR LIVES. we'll be together 17 years when I turn 34 in two years. wow.)

And a couple more words she knows but I forgot... She's starting to say "Milk" and she definately knows the word "No." She's gonna use that a lot.

and she now has this "blowing Kisses" down. She does it to everybody.

That's all for now. I'll see many of you at Greshamstock this weekend.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Getting faster at walking...

Here's an update on the walking. We've put her in shoes a couple of times, she doesn't seem to mind them that much, but she still stumbles.

I walk with her outside when shopping and such... it's slow, but fun.

She's also been getting better at a few words. She's known "up" for a while now, and that if she raises her arms and says it she gets picked up. Know she's beginning to use "down" as well. As well as "wow."

Anyhow, here's the video

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naturally curly hair

Jodie took this when the AC was out. When RJ's hair is sweaty, or if it's humid out, it curls.

so cute!
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the bruise

It looks worse when Riley's not crying and making her face red on her own.

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My baby's first black eye

Some bratty little bully at day care stole a toy from Riley... gave her a scratch, and a bruise on her forhead, and what appears to be the beginning of a black eye.

I have to destroy now.
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