She's officially 5 and starting Kindergarden. He's a lover and a fighter.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Birthday Party!

Jodie's best friend at work had a co-birthday party for her boys, who turn 2 and 4 within a few days of each other. Happy Birthday Aiden and Conor!

Here are a few I snapped of my kids while we where there.

Oh, Jodie took the last one of Jackson sleeping. Gotta give photo credit, you know...


a few pics from recent bath times.

We've recreated the Baby Mohawk, I'll see if I can find an old one of Riley.

Since then, we've started to bath Jack in the baby tub, but inside the big tub, so he doesn't splash all over the kitchen floor.

Riley thinks is funny, and wants to help..

Here's Riley's first few pics inside the big tub...