She's officially 5 and starting Kindergarden. He's a lover and a fighter.

Friday, May 11, 2007

400th blog post!

Well, since I started this blog on 2/23/05, I'm now making my 400th post. I'm happy to use this post to announce that "Deuce," following our latest ultrasound is officially a baby boy Boye. The ultrasound tech told us, "definately a boy." I'll post the pics from the latest ultrasound later this weekend.

Oh, and if I forget, Happy Mother's Day to all Moms who read my blog.

Way to many pictures to post

I've uploaded over 60 photos from our trip to West Virginia. But instead of posting them here, I'm just including the link and you can view them in Photobucket. There's some great shots of the kids, and some great shots from Baltimore's Camden Yards. Click on the pic below to go to the album.

Photobucket Album