She's officially 5 and starting Kindergarden. He's a lover and a fighter.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

one more

Oh, and one more thing

I think my daughter is on to me.

Tonight, I was trying to giver her the "Minty Goodness." It's her Reflux meds. She hates it.

Now, she was a little fussy the when I set her on the changing table in order to give her MG. She took a taste, realized what it was and started to spit it out.

Then, after a minute, she started smiling at me. Buttering me up so I don't give her any more Minty goodness. She's giggling and being all cute, and I nearly forgot to give her the rest.

Sneaky little twerp.

"The force is strong with this one."

her favorite spot... The changing table...

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This is where her butt gets cleaned... No wonder she perks up around here!!!!

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I think she looks like Mr. Burns in this one...

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trick or treat!

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another bath pic.

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This game is boring!!!

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Obviously, Riley isn't into the game...  but at least Grandma Betty gets to hold her.