She's officially 5 and starting Kindergarden. He's a lover and a fighter.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Ride Em Cowgirl!

we took the safety seat off so Dave's Daughter Marley could ride, and now it's a lot easier to get Riley on. 
She nearly falls off backwards, but her feet get stuck.  She's quickly getting the hang of it, although I expect her to fall at least twice.

BTW, Riley literally walked off the couch the other night... and nearly landed upright on her feet. 

New word updates:
I think she said "Yellow" on purpose.
"Thank you" is getting better. 

Walking update:
she tries to run, but her feet can't keep up with her body.  and then boom. 
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Pics from visiting Papa.

as you can see, Riley was thrilled to be there.  4 Generations though... That's cool. 
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Papa and the Grandkids

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With Papa

I know Riley is reaching away, but it was the only pic of the two of them where she didn't look totally bored.
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