She's officially 5 and starting Kindergarden. He's a lover and a fighter.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Oh, and a few cute things Riley said...

Two nights ago, as the battle to get Riley to go to bed waged on... I tucked her into bed and said, "You stay in bed, babe."
Without missing a beat, Riley says, "You stay in bed, babe."

And then this morning, she woke up and began telling us about a dream she had. Apparently, she had a dream where a giant hot dog kept hitting her in the head. Now, Riley will tattle on somebody if they do something bad, so she kept telling us, "Hot Dog hit my head. Hot Dog did it."

That kid. I tell ya....

A trip down memory lane

While we were home, we got nostalgic and found some old photos. Enjoy my misery. Starts off good but... Yeesh. That perm. Mom, what where you thinking?

Senior Portrait 1992

10th Grade 1990

Confirmation Photo 1988
Worst. Perm. Ever!

Care to take a guess at who this is? Looks just like Jackson.

It's not me. It's Jodie at about 5 weeks.

Christmas extravaganza!

Once again, these pictures are posted backwards. It's some weird thing in Photobucket.

Also, apparantly, about 75% of pictures opening presents results in people with their mouths wide open. "HEEEEEY! I WANTED THI... *SNAP*"

In Grandma B's big tub.

Love the look on her face.

we went together first

Then I sent her by herself. After nearly crashing into a metal pole, she was done.

Notice since we didn't have gloves or a hat, we used my hat, and socks for gloves.

Jodie is gorgeous, even without makeup.

at Grandma D's now. Playing Candy Land. I swear,
she rarely picks her nose, but we caught her doing it.

concentrating on the Xbox

Grandma has her hands full

Fiona is sleepy.

Papa and Jack

Wanna guess how hard it is to take a family photo with a cranky two year old?

I was shocked. SHOCKED I SAY.

DL and Jack

Riley was NOT pleased. But it takes a go

I thought this would be my big gift this year. I must've been good.

Jodie's Nano

Who Knew Fifi was an art model?

Grandma gets her mug.

Such a good helper.
